Thursday 20 June 2013

New stamps for puffles!!

Hello everyone! With the scare games coming in 1 week, Club penguin needed some changes to the stamp book.

PuffleStamps 1371140004 New Puffle Digging Stamps!

And as you guys can see, these are three of the stamps which is sometimes most common to get. There are five stamps altogether

(1) Puffle dig = Walk a puffle and find treasure. (in photo)
(2) Every color = Dig up treasure with eleven types of puffle.
(3) First dig = See a player get their first dig.
(4) Dig all day = Find 5 treasures in one day. (in photo)
(5) Big dig = Find a treasure with 50+ coins in it. (in photo)

Amazing right??? These could take us sometime but we can do it! This will help us feel active until the Scare games start. So what do you think?? Are you up for it?
So til next time... Waddle on!                                                                                   Yuka2601/ Lucy

1 comment:

  1. wow!! new stamps COOL!!!! I am sooo getting my puffles for a walk and to get gold,gold,gold GOLD!!!!!!!!
